Welcome to Mathematics at Gorsemoor
It is our belief, that the purpose of education is to provide young people with the knowledge and skills to prepare children for their working lives, build character, teach knowledge for its own intrinsic value and ignite a love of learning. We believe Mathematics achieves this purpose by enabling children to develop their understanding of Maths in their lives. This allows all to discover that Maths is an integral part of everyday routine; bringing the abstract world to life. The Maths a child discovers at Gorsemoor Primary School will form the building blocks for future learning, used throughout their lives. Children will learn to calculate using integers, decimals and fractions, understand time, analyse data and develop an understanding of financial literacy.
Our aim is that children leave Gorsemoor with a fluent procedural and conceptual understanding of Mathematical concepts, the confidence to problem solve and the knowledge and understanding to reason and justify using precise vocabulary; enabling them to flourish in society and therefore widening their future opportunities. Most importantly, we aim for all children at Gorsemoor to ignite a passion for Maths. Together, we will nurture our children to become inspired Mathematicians within our community.
Mathematics: discovering a universal language.
At Gorsemoor, we have developed a curriculum that best implements our intent for Mathematics, whilst encompassing the Early Learning Goals and the Primary National Curriculum objectives.
Using White Rose Maths as a foundation, we have created plans to not only incorporate the national curriculum objectives but also ensure all are provided with the opportunity to work towards End Points which go above and beyond the national curriculum expectations; embedding key vocabulary, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) links and cross curricular coverage. All children are provided with daily opportunities to retrieve prior knowledge; encouraging them to draw information from the long term memory.
Click here to download the I am a mathematician document
Click below to download a copy of 'what mathematics looks like at Gorsemoor.'
At Gorsemoor we continue to provide all children with a broad and balanced curriculum. Within Mathematics, the children have access to a range of concrete resources and table top resources. We continue to enhance our learning through outdoor activities, tangible experiences, workshops, interviews with STEAM ambassadors and access to breadth of technology.
We also continue to invest time in developing our use of new technology that will support interactive learning.