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Gorsemoor Primary School

Gorsemoor Primary School

Growing together, hand in hand

School Performance Data

Key Stage 2 2022/2023 SATs Results

Year 6 marks the end of Key Stage Two and a thorough summary of the pupils' knowledge and understanding is carried out through the statutory assessments taken during the summer term. The Key Stage Two results are based on a standardised score, with a score of 100 being the average. Therefore, any pupil who was awarded a standardised score of 100 or above in a test, is working at or above the age related expectation. In addition to the tests taken in May, pupils' knowledge and understanding is also assessed by using work completed during lessons. This - together with moderation tasks - informs their teacher assessment data which, in some cases, may differ from their tests results. 


 School 2018School 2019School 2022



School Greater

Depth 2023



Reading: % of children achieving the expected standard65%71%78%71%21%73%
Writing: % of children achieving the expected standard77%79%85%73%3%71%
GPS: % of children achieving the expected standard68%80%78%73%19%72%
Maths: % of children achieving the expected standard66%92%78%70%14%73%
Combined: % of children achieving Reading, Writing and Maths.55%65%77%61%0%59%


Average Scaled Scores for Reading, GPS and Maths

National 2023105105104
Gorsemoor 2023104.2104.1101.9


Average Progress Scores for Reading, Writing and Maths

This information has not yet been released and the following figures still relate to 2018/2019.

Average 1.26Average 0.43

Well Above

Average 3.07


Interpreting a school's progress scores

Individual pupil level progress scores are calculated in comparison to other pupils nationally. For all mainstream pupils nationally, the average progress score will be zero.

A school's progress scores for English Reading, English Writing and Mathematics are calculated as its pupil's average progress scores. This means that school level progress scores will be presented as positive and negative numbers either side of zero.

  • A score of 0 means pupils in this school, on average, do about as well at Key Stage 2 as those with similar prior attainment nationally.
  • A positive score means pupils in this school on average do better at Key Stage 2 than those with similar prior attainment nationally.
  • A negative score means pupils in this school on average do worse at Key Stage 2 that those with similar prior attainment nationally. A negative score does not necessarily mean a school is below the floor.


For example, a school with a mathematics progress score of -4 would mean that, on average pupils in this school achieved 4 scaled points lower in the Key Stage 2 Mathematics test than other pupils with similar prior attainment nationally.


A negative score does not mean that pupils did not make any progress between Key Stage 1 and 2. A negative score means that they made less progress than other pupils nationally with similar prior attainment.

To view schools and college performance tables please follow link below

