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Gorsemoor Primary School

Gorsemoor Primary School

Growing together, hand in hand

Pastoral Support


Hello everyone, my name is Clare Walton and I am the Family & Multi-agency liaison officer for parents, carers and families of children at Gorsemoor Primary School.  As some of you may already know, I have worked in this school as a Teaching Assistant for 23 years now and as a Mum of two teenage children, I know only too well how precious your child/ren are and that being a parent can bring demands and experiences we haven’t planned for. Quite often we need someone ourselves to talk to about our children and help us find the support we need- this is where you will be able to contact me to support you.

My role is to assist in supporting children by working in partnership with families, parents, carers, agencies and pupils, to enable pupils, particularly those who need additional support, to have full access to educational opportunities and overcome barriers.

I am available to offer practical help and support to parents and carers in matters concerning your child’s, development and wellbeing.  I work in partnership with you, the teachers and senior leadership team to help you support your child to learn and enjoy their school years, by providing information and guidance. I can meet you on a 1:1 basis – in school or discuss matters over the phone, providing information on a range of issues and practical help, as well as offering a friendly listening ear.

I am available from 8.30 am until 4.00 pm Monday through to Friday and can be contacted directly through the school office 01543 274 788 , or via email at

Some of the ways I can support are:

  • Support for you with your child’s school attendance
  • Provide advice and support on ways to improve your child’s behaviour or refer to Early Help if required
  • Provide support and signpost local and national services that can help you and your child eg housing, debt, welfare, bereavement emotional care and wellbeing.
  • Provide a listening ear and provide / promote pastoral support.
  • Offer assistance and support with financial difficulties for clubs, trips and activities
  • Liaise with staff to overcome any difficulties that may arise
  • Investigate concerns raised by parents, pupils or teachers to a positive conclusion
  • Signposting for adult learning opportunities
  • Attend CHIN (child in need) and CP (child protection) meetings to represent the school and identify actions.
  • Help with form filling or online applications relating to your child.


What we do

At Gorsemoor Primary we want everyone involved with our school to feel well supported. We believe that good pastoral support focuses on nurturing the individual needs of each child. We aim to build trusting and empathic relationships with all our pupils and their families. 

Our Inclusion Team is made up of dedicated professionals. This includes our Headteacher, Inclusion leader, full-time Family Liaison officer and a team of therapeutic trained staff . Together our team works with students so they can lead fulfilling and balanced lives at school and beyond. 

All our staff model to students how to look after themselves and others; encouraging them to seek help, support or advice whenever they need it. 

Pastoral care underpins personal development and we know from experience that with outstanding pastoral care, students feel they belong and their self-esteem is able to flourish because they feel valued and cared for. 

Supporting the pastoral needs of pupils sometimes involves working with external agencies. In these situations, we ensure that a confidential, professional, non-judgemental and sensitive service is provided. 


Pastoral sessions and wellbeing interventions 

We are very fortunate to be able to offer our children at Gorsemoor Primary addition support and guidance in bespoke sessions by trained staff in the following available groups. 
