Welcome to Science at Gorsemoor
It is our belief, that the purpose of education is to provide young people with the knowledge and skills to prepare children for their diverse working lives, build character, teach knowledge for its own intrinsic value and ignite a love of learning.
Our vision for science is for children to be inspired and have lots of varied opportunities to explore and ask questions about how Science is all around us and have the knowledge and skills to find out why things happen. We want children to have the ability to think independently, recall previously taught knowledge through retrieval practice, make predictions using their own experiences and raise questions about their discoveries. Through exciting, innovative and well-planned lessons, children will develop their understanding of working scientifically to answer their own questions when exploring the five enquiry types.
Children increase their knowledge through exploring different theories and working collaboratively before putting that theory into practise. This allows the children’s natural curiosity to thrive when discussing, questioning and addressing misconceptions together using correct and effective scientific vocabulary. Children learn through practical experiences to predict, compare, measure and record investigations and understand the importance of fair testing while developing their mathematics and literacy skills.
Children will demonstrate their excellent scientific knowledge and understanding through written and verbal explanations of their scientific findings. We aim to inspire the children of Gorsemoor to have future careers in Science.
Always question - Always wonder!
At Gorsemoor we continue to provide all children with a broad and balanced curriculum despite COVID 19 restrictions and in-line with risk assessments. In Science lessons, safety measures are in place to facilitate the sanitisation of key equipment so that children can be encouraged to participate in practical experiments. During lessons and through outdoor learning, a safe environment for the children to record findings and evaluate discoveries is established.
Click here to download the I am a Scientist document.
Click below to download a copy of 'what science looks like at Gorsemoor.'
Take a look at our principles of science...