Useful Links
TTRS Times Tables Rock Stars
The Spelling Shed Practise Spellings
BBC Bitesize Learning activities and videos for key subjects
Oddizzi - where the world comes alive Geography facts, videos and quizzes. Pupils have a class log in to access this resource.
Robin Hood Multi Academy Trust Learning Projects Home learning projects for all year groups
Maths reasoning resources at I See Maths Challenge yourself with Maths reasoning questions
Music resources at Charanga Get musical with Charanga
Cosmic Kids Yoga Yoga videos to follow
Creative Writing Packs Journey into a world where stories come to life
My Mini Maths Daily Maths questions for each year group
Pobble 365 pictures Daily pictures to inspire creative writing and discussion
White Rose Maths Home learning packs from White Rose Maths
Classroom Secrets Home learning packs and free interactive resources
The Literacy Shed Videos and stories to inspire writing and discussion
Twinkl A wealth of resources for all subjects plus colouring and mindfulness activities